Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lower Ab Workouts - Why This May Be Setting You Up For Failure

By Jose Loni

Doing lower ab workouts and why this may actually be setting you up for failure is a question you may be wondering about. Most people focus on lower ab workouts when they want to get ripped abs thinking it's logical - there's a flabby problem area so let's work in that area to fix it. But your body doesn't operate that way. Flab means there's fat so you need to lose the fat first and no amount of isolation exercises can burn that fat away.

Ab machines and ab exercises promise you rock hard abs in 8-12 repetitions. Other variations of the same products claim to help you flatten your tummy in no time at all. But the fact is, they're all empty promises because spot reduction doesn't work.

Focusing your training just in the ab area will not sculpt and give you six packs. Sit-ups, crunches and lower ab exercises can strengthen and tone but they will not sculpt. The fact is, you likely won't see any visible changes.

To see a difference, you have to do cardio and a full body workout in order to speed up your metabolism enough to start melting away the excess fat surrounding your ab muscles that's preventing six pack visibility.

The more large muscles you work out, the more energy is used up to fuel muscle activity. Activities like brisk walking (especially on an incline), cycling, running, lunges and squats work the large muscles so they will help you burn fat.

Another way we can increase our metabolism is through interval training. When we do short intense bursts of activity, our muscles react by working so hard that there is a build up carbon dioxide and lactic acid in the muscles. As a result, the body must work extra hard at clearing away and getting oxygen to the muscles. The muscles react by increasing in size and also consuming more energy by working hard to adapt to the physical activity.

All this clearing away, replenishing of oxygen and repair work uses up a lot of energy, which the body gets from excess fat stores. Addtionally, the training enlarges the muscles, which now require more energy to fuel their new size. This all translates into an increased metabolism.

When all is said and done, do we keep doing lower ab workouts and should we really be targeting something so specific? Current research says "no" and as far as sculpting six pack abs go, it definitely makes sense to lose the fat and the flab in order to allow the six packs to show through! - 17274

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