Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How To Lose Belly Fat Without Radical Dieting

By Jose Loni

How to lose belly fat the right way is the question we all want to know. With the many ab machines, diets, and ab exercises, it can sometimes get overwhelming as to the right way to lose belly fat. An overall system of exercising with interval training, healthy eating habits, and reducing stress is the right way to getting a flat belly.

Interval set training is a fast way to achieving results and increasing the metabolism. The fast sets, with intense exertion results in a situation where the muscles have little or no oxygen and there is a buildup of carbon dioxide and lactic acid. These waste products would need to be removed to allow the muscles to function better.

The increased metabolic activity of the muscles requires more energy and burns more calories to function. The body will be forced to expend more energy and burn excess body fat to supply the muscles. This activity carries on even after the body has finished exercising and is in a rest mode.

Improving dietary habits is another way we can reduce belly fat. A diet that is rich in carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, fat, and protein is a good way to allow our body to consume the calories we eat. Cutting out the fat, fast foods, sodas and sugary snacks allows us to better control the calories we eat and keep our body from storing the excess calories as fat.

Increasing our meals to 5-6 meals throughout the day is another way we can provide our body with constant energy and keep our blood sugar levels from dramatically going up or down.

Stress plays an important role in how our body stores fat. When our body experiences stress, it releases a hormone called Cortisol, which begins to store fat in our belly. The fat is stored in the belly to be used in case of emergency.

Stress management techniques such as tai chi, meditation, deep breathing, and yoga are all effective ways to reduce stress and keep away body fat storage.

We all want to know how to lose belly fat the right way. By doing overall exercise training with intervals, healthy eating habits and reducing our stress, we will be able to flatten our belly. - 17274

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