Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, January 29, 2010

Following A Natural Diet - Eating Raw Foods

By Ali Bautista

The natural diet is also known as the raw food diet and this diet consists of mainly eating uncooked foods. These foods include dried fruit, nuts, sprouts, beans, vegetables, unprocessed plant foods, grains, seeds and seaweed. The vast majority of the food should be eaten raw.

The theory behind the natural diet is that important enzymes present in the raw food are broken down and become inactive when the food is cooked above 116 degrees Fahrenheit. These enzymes will help with digestion. Those that follow the diet believe that each food has a life force that will go away when it is cooked.

Those that use the natural diet experience increased energy, an easier time digesting, improvement in their skin, an easier time losing weight and it can help decrease the risk of developing heart disease. The natural diet is so healthy because the foods involved do not contain any saturated fats or Trans fat, which are harmful to the body.

The foods that are traditionally eaten in the natural diet include unprocessed natural foods, grains, fresh vegetables, young coconut milk, seaweed, beans, nuts, legumes, freshly juiced vegetables and fruits, fresh fruits, seeds, dried fruit and purified water. These foods should be eaten as whole foods, raw and if possible organically grown.

You can use some cooking techniques to help make some of the raw foods more palatable and easier to digest. Instead of eating the vegetables and fruits whole then you can juice them. Nuts and dried fruit can be soaked. Grains, seeds and beans can be sprouted and most foods can be blended and dehydrated.

Unlike most popular fad diets the natural diet does not have any harmful side effects. This diet will get rid of any toxin build ups in your body and the side effects are related to these toxins leaving your body. Most of these side effects include feeling tired, having nausea, mild headaches and specific food cravings. However these symptoms will go away in a few days. - 17274

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