Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, August 7, 2009

Eight Things to Avoid for People With Dementia

By Esther Dacamay

A proper diet with balanced nutrition is the building block our bodies use in order to fight off disease. It is no wonder than that knowing what foods to eat and how to prepare them is essential in the fight against Dementia. Listed below are ten things that will help you decide what you should and shouldn't be putting in your mouth.

1) DON'T Drink Milk! - Dementia patients should eliminate all dairy milk from the diet and instead, consume milk made from goats, soy, rice or almonds.

2) No Beef - People with Dementia should eliminate red meat as well as all processed meats such as sausage and hot dogs. In their place, you can partake in plant based sources such as soy or alfalfa sprouts and fish. Fish like tuna, sardines, salmon and cod carry high quality Omega 3 Fatty Acids which are beneficial to the body.

3) Extra Crispy? - Although the extra crispy chicken from KFC might taste real good, its best to avoid all fast foods and fried foods altogether. They contain too many free-radical-forming agents because of the type of oil it is deep-fried in.

4) Beer or Wine - All alcohol consumption should be limited. In France, a recent study showed that those partaking in one or two glasses of red wine per day were able to fight stress more diligently. The reason for this beneficial reaction is the antioxidant activity in theoligomeric proanthocyanidin substances found in the wine.

5) No Refined or Man Made Sugar - Eliminate sugar found commonly in donuts, cookies and cakes as well as sugar substitutes such as aspartame, NutraSweet, equal and saccharin.

6) No More Red Vines - Licorice is an old fashioned favorite candy treat. However, it should be eliminated from the diet as it potentiates cortisol which leads to compromised potassium intake, thus leading to hypokalemia.

7) Be Happy - Stress can be harmful to the body in many ways including cortisol, which mentioned above compromises potassium intake. In addition, it is very important not to inflict undue stress on the body with things such as red meat, caffeine, refined sugar, processed foods and nicotine.

8) Ban Aluminum - There has been some significant speculation that the ingestion of aluminum from cookware, antiperspirants, antacids and foods contributes highly to the onset of Alzheimer's disease, a cortical type of dementia. - 17274

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