Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Double Standard: Presidential Exercise

By Dr. Bill

I just read an article that says President Obama works out 6 days a week, for 45 minutes, and this doesn't count the time he spends playing basketball. W used to work out every day too, and somehow liberals managed to criticize him for it.

According to what he said on Jay Leno, the new President has also managed to sneak in bowling, too. Maybe he should invite Paul Krugman down from his pedestal, to bowl a few frames with him. A little of the common man might actually rub off on Krugman. Come to think of it, lets invite Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd too, and I'll give a dollar to charity for every point over 129 the President bowls, and a dollar for every point over 100 the rest of them bowl. I'm dropping the score for the others, because the only things they're good at exercising are their mouths.

People say that being the President of our country, the leader of the free world, is the most stressful job one can have. So I am very pleased to see that Obama is working out every day, the way Bush did.

If you want some visual proof of the way in which stress takes its toll on our Presidents, compare the photos from Inauguration Day to the photos taken on the President's last day in office. You'll see a lot more grey hair, wrinkles, and dark under eye circles in the photos taken then, as the President makes his exit.

I can't tell you how many times I have heard people tell me that they can't fit in the time to exercise in their daily lives.

Are you telling me that your schedule is more hectic than that of the President of the United States?

Others tell me it's too expensive.

The last time I checked, walking was free of charge.

I also hear people telling me that they don't have a support system for their exercise plan -- they think no one will encourage them.

You just have to do it, for you.

People also tell me that they don't know HOW to exercise.

Today there are literally thousands of places you can go for help, and a whole bunch of them are free of charge.

So here is what I have to say: Get started, and NO WHINING ALLOWED!

If Presidents from two different parties, with two different agendas can work out, so can you. It doesn't cost anything to get started, and you can form your own support group, and dig up all the information you need all by your lonesome.

Here's a tip that will help you get started: take a pharmaceutical-grade, enteric coated fish oil.

Pharmaceutical-grade fish oil will cost you some money, but you have to think of it as an investment in your health. I have recounted many, many stories here of people taking fish oil, who have received enormous benefits from it, and it seems as though the medical community is really beginning to take notice and start recommending high quality fish oil for their patients.

Take my advice and get your hands on the fish oil, as soon as possible. Stop complaining, get started, and watch the results take place -- you could be 10 pounds lighter by the first of June. - 17274

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