Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Add These Top Ten Ingredients For Good Health

By Susanne Marra

Physical fitness and good eating go hand and hand, but no one food is going to have magical effects on your health by itself. Eating a variety of foods from these food groups is the best route. To avoid overeating you should pay attention to the portion size. If you create a relaxing environment for your meals these healthy foods will along with healthy emotions will contribute to a healthy body for you. Add these to your diet to improve your health.

Berries - Perhaps you have a favorite berry or, you may love them all,either way you can't go wrong grabbing some berries as a snack. Try a smoothie made from mixed berries as a luscious dessert. Most berries have a high vitamin C content and some have other beneficial nutrients as well. Great for the circulatory system are blueberries which are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidant. Less known Gogi berries are loaded with nutrients that will keep your body fit.

Citrus - You hear citrus and you know you are getting vitamin C. Fully ripened fruits are always the best choice nutritionally. It is also best to get fruit as close to the tree as you can. Picking ripened fruits from the tree at their peak is also best and they should be eaten right away to get the most nutrition out of them. A very good breakfast choice is a grapefruit. As a quick dressing try adding a splash of lime juice to your salad. An alternative dessert could be some orange slices sprinkled with coconut and drizzled with honey.

Vegetables - Vegetable is a group with so many choices. Choosing vegetable for a nutritionally sound diet is a way of life for vegans and vegetarians. You can get many of the minerals need by the body from the vegetable group. Some people do not realize that the body needs potassium for good health. Some people believe that one bananas the only place to get your potassium requirement. here is something you may not know, eating a stalk of broccoli can give you the potassium you need also.Another good choice can be pasta mixed with pine nuts and green leafy vegetables. Spruce this up with feta cheese and a light vinaigrette dressing for an interesting lunch.

Whole Grains - For this group you will want to add a variety of grains for them to be sound nutritionally. You can often get a whole protein source by adding two or more grains together. An example of this is some wheat kernels mixed with brown rice and seasonings which is popular in many other countries.

Salmon - One of the leanest fish and best nutritionally is Salmon. Rich in Omega-3 oils which are believed to improve the functioning of the brain. Baked whole salmon using just fresh lemon or lime as a seasoning is great for a min dish or a or as a featured lunch item. You can also mix salmon cold with other fish as a chilled seafood dish.

Legumes - A legume is the name for a variety of fruits with a single dry seed. Legumes are sometimes called pods. Examples of edible legumes are soybeans, peas, dried beans and peanuts, among others. Legumes are rich in iron and high in fiber, making them excellent nutritional choices. Peanuts are a type of legume that have been used to make hundreds of different products some edible and others with various types of helpful uses.

Nuts and seeds - These tiny little packages really pack a punch! We all pretty much know the benefits of pecans and walnuts, but you may not have realized how good flax seed is for your brain function. Flax Seeds contain essential omega-3 oils from a non meat source which many people want.

Lean proteins - The keyword here is lean. Americans eat far too much protein compared to the rest of the world. Cut down of portion sizes--three ounces will provide all the needed protein needed for your day. Also, trim all visible fat from your protein source. Alternatively, use non meat substitutes such as the complete proteins found in vegetable dishes like beans and brown rice.

Tea - According to the type of tea you choose, you may get an energy boost if you should choose green tea or guarana, or feel more relaxed from say chamomile. Mint tea will get you going in the morning as well as a nice cup of earl grey. Herbal teas are tasty, good for you and have the ability to sooth you. When you need to function choosing non herbal teas can keep you alert.

Olive oil - Most people are aware of the benefits of olive oil at this point. This is the healthy fat. Using it can be as easy as mixing with vinegar for a quick dressing. It can also be used as a healthier choice for frying foods. One tip is to keep the heat low so you do not break down the oil.

These suggestions are not a cure all but they will get you on the track to better eating and better health. - 17274

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