Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, November 1, 2009

No Hype - Just Noni Juice Benefits

By Verity Ferris

The supplement industry likes to constantly move from miracle food to miracle food. You've probably read things about mangosteen, acai berries, hoodia, goji berries, and thelmak root, each claiming to be the biggest and best thing for health since we learned to walk upright.

For years, Southern Pacific islanders have used Noni Juice to maintain high quality, healthy skin, even in the face of the tough sun that shines day in and day out on their tiny islands. Now the research suggests that this might just be the case. In fact, many sufferers of serious on-going skin problems like acne are finding Noni Juice helps their skin conditions.

First of all, Noni (also called the Great Morinad) is a tree that grows on a lot of South Pacific and Polynesian islands. It's originally native to Southeast Asia, and can handle a wide range of soils. It flowers and fruits all year long, and the fruit is very pungent smelling as it ripens - it's sometimes called the 'cheese fruit' because of this. The fruit pulp is strained to remove the seeds and used for a lot of Indonesian and Polynesian cooking, and Noni juice benefits are well known in traditional Asian medicine.

Noni itself is a fruit juice. It's high in vitamin C and it has a number of compounds that are very high in antioxidants and phytochemicals, roughly comparable in dosage to an ounce of grape skins. Also, a glass of Noni juice has slightly less calories than a glass of orange juice. So, each glass of Noni juice benefits you with vitamin C as well as important antioxidants but with fewer calories than either orange juice or the equivalent amount of whole grapes.

Now, these compounds all have benefits, they all exist in other food products. The specific Noni juice benefits come from the fact that you get them in one dose with fewer calories.

As to the actual health benefits? Well, there's a laundry list to work from:

Immune system- your immune system is very important for your well being: it helps you fight off germs, bacteria, and viruses. Noni juice helps give your immune system a boost to help you fight off these foreign invaders. In other words, this juice helps strengthen your immune system so it can repair and defend itself properly.

Circulatory and cardiovascular systems- Noni has scopoletin this has been shown to lower blood pressure; noni also helps the body to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide when made in the body helps to relax and expand blood vessels this helps to relieve stress on the arteries and heart.

Unfortunately, we live in a society that values appearance over everything else. For people, particularly men, who lose hair at an earlier age than society deems normal, appearance can be a real problem. Using Noni Juice on a regular basis can help stop hair loss, according to many major scientific studies. Moreover, using Noni products, like shampoos and soaps, can help to stop the problem at the source by helping to regenerate the lost hair cells. Noni Juice may have some benefits in store for you if you suffer from one of these conditions.

Noni is classified as a super fruit with its antioxidants and other healing properties it's as healthy for you like pomegranates and other super fruits. - 17274

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