Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, October 26, 2009

Choosing Healthy Drinks

By Jermaic Honsher

As people become more concerned about healthy food choices, healthy drinks should be viewed as equally important. The next time you need to quench your thirst, reach for these healthy options:

Water. Drinking plenty of water will fend off fatigue, headaches and muscle spasms caused by dehydration. Water is also essential for great looking skin. When your body is properly hydrated, skin looks youthful and radiant. Also an effective appetite suppressor, drink a glass of water before meals and you will eat less overall. Water is also effective for ridding your body of harmful toxins. Maybe you should have a glass right now!

Cranberry juice. These colorful red berries are loaded with vitamin C and studies show that an ingredient in cranberries prevents bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder, preventing bladder and urinary tract infections. The powerful antioxidants in cranberry juice helps get rid of free radicals and reduces inflammation. Drinking a glass of cranberry juice each day will also help lower your cholesterol. Stick to 100% cranberry juice and avoid cranberry juice cocktails, which have added sugar.

Green tea. Well known for its wealth of antioxidants, green tea can also block the over-production of harmful enzymes in your body that act as precursors to cancer. Replace your morning cup of coffee with a steaming cup of antioxidant-rich green tea instead. Natural compounds in green tea have been found to help regulate blood sugar levels by increasing insulin activity, promoting glucose metabolism and blocking glucose absorption.

Don't be fooled by these sugary, colorful drinks. They may masquerade as healthy and inviting, but in fact, these beverage are loaded with extra sugar and fat.

Fancy coffee drinks. Your local coffee shop may try to entice you with a tasty caffeinated treat that features full-fat dairy products, chocolate, sugary syrups, artificial colors and flavors. These drinks often have as many calories and fat as a fast food meal.

Summer cocktails. Summer parties and picnics are not complete without a festive cocktail or two. But beware: these colorful, cheerful drinks pack quite a few calories. Pina coladas, margaritas, and daiquiris are drowning in calories, and that is even before the liquor is added.

Smoothies. Don't be lured by the health claims made by some smoothie makers. Many smoothies claim to be healthy but the added fat and calories tell a very different story. Sugary juices, full-fat dairy products, and other extras make this drink a high calorie mistake. - 17274

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