Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, April 10, 2009

Build Strength For Six Pack Abs - Moderation Throughout

By Dan Solaris

They're a favorite subject of mass media- fashion spreads and fitness magazines, infomercials, billboard advertisements, action flicks, even soap operas. I'm talking about people with gorgeous six pack abs and they're the envy of millions everywhere.

By the frequency they're shown on the movies and on shows and advertisements on TV, one might get the idea that the United States is filled with physically-fit specimens of the human race. Unfortunately, this is a bit distant from the truth.

Recent data from the CDCP (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) show that sixty-six percent of adults in the United States are actually overweight and almost half of that (32%) are already suffering from obesity. It all comes from the lifestyles we have- watching too much TV or sitting back on the computer chair surfing for hours.

The market is chock-full of seemingly innocent munchies packed with flavor and loaded with calories. Ours has turned into a culture of fast-food and the surplus calories are showing-up on potbellies and lovehandles across the Western world.

Of course, we're not at all helpless and we can still do something to fight of the dreaded flab. All it takes is determination, will-power and a little knowledge on anatomy and the human body's metabolic process.

Conventional strength-building exercises with the use of free weights or machines have a heavier effect on six pack ab formation than you may think. Adding muscular tissue to one's frame actually increases our basal metabolism or our metabolic rate when we're at rest. Experts say our basal metabolism accounts for 75% of our caloric usage in one day!

Increasing our BMR through strength-building exercises is an optimal way to achieve six pack abs because it leads to faster fat loss. The amount of muscle tissue we have on our physique dictates how high our metabolism is. The higher our metabolism, the more calories and fat we eliminate.

When we do intense strength-building exercises and our BMR is at a high enough level, it's even possible to gain a six pack without dieting! For people with low will-power when it comes to gastronomic delights, all that's needed is to get rid of excess calories by working-out harder in the gym. We gain flab because the excess calories we still have are converted into body fat. - 17274

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