Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, April 9, 2009

5 Little Things to Keep Your Diet Under Control Easily

By Thong M. Dao

If you're serious about being healthy, the best way for you to do this is through a proper diet. Although nearly all of us tend to cheat from time to time because of our busy lifestyle, it's best if you're able to stick to some specific routines on a daily basis.

Should you divert from your ideal healthy eating plan, these 5 steps will bring you back on track and prevent your body from falling too far from your ideal weight.

1. Organic fruit. At least 2 servings of fruit should be consumed daily. You can also eat fruits by making a smoothie and breaking it into 2 parts, so you have one already made for later. Not only is it delicious, it will help you stay on track.

2. Organic veggies. We all need to consume veggies on a daily basis. Fiber is taken in from vegetables so this helps your body in lots of other areas.

If you have trouble eating veggies, a good way to get them into your diet is to use some leafy green veggies, add them to your smoothie as usual. You'd be amazed how tasty this really is.

3. Sprouts. Growing your own sprouts is incredibly easy! Lentils or wheat berries are good seeds to sprout, just soak them for a few hours in a jar of water, then drain off the water.

If you moisten them twice daily they should quickly sprout. Eat a little of these when you are hungry to get some good health benefits.

4. Aside from fish and meat, taking flaxseed oil on a daily basis is a great way to get Omega 3 fatty acids. When this becomes a part of your daily life, you will be amazed to note that it makes so much difference in the way you feel and your health.

5. Even though it's not a solid food, water is an important part of your diet and health. It's suggested that you should consume half of your body weight in ounces daily and add a pinch of sea salt per 16 ounces.

This will make a surprising difference in your health. See the difference it makes for you after you take it for a week. - 17274

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