Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Anti-oxidant Benefits Of Grape Skin Extract Are Super Powerful

By Thomas Sinclair

One of the most delicious ways of getting the powerful antioxidant benefits of grape skin extract is to drink red wine. This delicious beverage has been found to have the most incredible health benefits. Resevratrol is the active, mega-antioxidant ingredient responsible for good health.

Hundreds of generations of people living to ripe old ages in Europe, led to this amazing discovery. These populations suffer less cancers, less heart disease and less of all the dread diseases which plague, for arguments sake the Americans. They also suffer from lower stress levels, age slower and are generally speaking a darn sight happier. This has been proven to be because of millennium long histories of daily red wine consumption.

It has been proven that daily drinking of red wine has provided all these health benefits, and it is only red wine which is responsible. The secret lies in the way this wine is made. Grapes are harvested when ripe and placed whole in a barrel with yeast to help fermentation. The skin of the grape, the pips and even the grape vine is very rich in plant polyphenols. These are produced naturally to protect the grapes and vines from disease. Resveratrol is a powerful plant polyphenols, the wine making process, concentrates its properties.

Only when the grapes have been properly fermented in barrels, are the skin, pips and twigs removed. It is aged for a certain period in the barrels and then bottled for consumption.

Scientific research has proven that consuming red wine stops endothelin-1 from developing, or retards its development. This is one of the bad proteins which causes atherosclerosis (heart disease). One study conducted with red wine consumption, saw that in 68% of participants, there was a reduction in the development of endothelin-1.

It is very important to not that the benefits of drinking one glass of red wine daily, far outweigh any potential harm. The blend of the alcohol and resevratrol is why this beverage is so beneficial. Grape skin extract is however available for people who do not want to drink alcohol. - 17274

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