Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, May 22, 2009

Do You Want To Unearth How To Lose Weight

By Sharon Robinson

Right now in the United States obesity and being overweight has reached practically epidemic proportions. Our lifestyles are deskbound and we eat too many nutritionally empty foods in the Standard American Diet. We don't keep fit enough and we eat too much.

Our ancestors needed to evolve in such a way as to ensure continued existence. Therefore our bodies easily preserve fat and energy in order to defend us from the times of starvation. These days the only food crisis that we ever experience is the self-imposed famines that we live through when we go on a restrictive diet.

However, our bodies do not know the distinction and our metabolisms end up slowing down and conserving all of the energy that it can. That is one reason why it gets harder and harder to lose weight with every ensuing diet.

One solution to this problem is to stop dieting and begin eating. In other words stop depriving yourself of food and start eating the way your body was designed to eat.

It is more than only starting to eat again, however. The Standard American Diet, which is also known by the apt acronym SAD greatly contributes to obesity and being fat. The cause why is that our bodies were never designed to eat the unhealthful, nutritionally bankrupt and processed foods that are so profuse in our culture.

As humans we are designed to eat the wholesome, healthy, natural foods that come from nature. The earth naturally supplies the foods that are optimal for our bodies and that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and even fish and lean meats. It does not include the foods that are found in a box in the center of your neighborhood superstore. The less processed and more natural a food is the healthier it is for our bodies.

As humans we were also designed to move and work out. None of our ancestors led a sedentary life. They were always up and around, moving about in the course of living. If you want to attain optimum fitness including losing weight you need to incorporate both exercise and an optimum nutrition diet.

If you want to fight obesity, lose weight for good and create optimum healthiness start by altering your diet to consist of the healthiest foods from nature and add in an exercise plan into your days. Your body will thank you and the pounds will drop off. - 17274

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