Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Is Wu Yi Tea a Scam?

By Jared Rothe

There are a lot of different answers your going to get about that question. Some have purchased from reputable suppliers and had great results while others haven't done this and have gotten poor products.

Wu yi tea gives you energy and raises your metabolism to help you lose weight. It isn't a magic drink that you ingest and just shed pounds. You have to exercise and eat better to lose weight.

Like most plants, even Wu Yi Tea can be grown in many regions around the world, but the alteration of age-old methods is evident in the quality and effectiveness of the finished product. Since the highest quality teas are hand-farmed, harvested, processed and packaged, the tea from the Wuyi Shan Mountains and Taiwanese mountains undergoes stringent quality control from plant to cup. Hence, the somewhat daunting price of the tea produced from this region.

Does this mean that Wu Yi Tea is a scam if it carries a lower price tag and originates from some other part of the world? Not necessarily. There may be growers and producers in other parts of the world that reduce their costs by mechanizing growing, harvesting, processing and packing of the tea. Some producers may even grind the tea into a fine powder that virtually dissolves in water. This does not mean that the tea has no value, but one may need to use a higher concentration of tea and drink more frequently to achieve the same effects of the pristine Shan Mountain leaves.

Many are saying the Wu yi tea weight loss program doesn't work. But it is just a facilitator to weight loss with consistency and commitment. As explained earlier, wu yi tea only helps to increase your resting metabolism which in turn helps you burn more calories and lose weight.

So is Wu yi tea a scam? Go to a reputable source for your oolong tea and it is not, otherwise you are putting yourself in a situation where you don't know for sure if product is high quality. - 17274

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