Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, March 27, 2009

Uncover the Truth Behind What Makes Up A Balanced Meal

By Michael Parkes

Preparing a balanced meal may seem to be an arduous task, but once you know the hints and tips to getting the balance right, it will be much easier. An extremely good method to learn how to prepare a balanced meal, is by getting to know how food types are differentiated in the food pyramid.

Knowing what makes up a balanced meal helps in a big way when cooking for your family and yourself. There are 5 major groups of food types, which are carbohydrates, protein, fruits, vegetables and dairy products. There are also a number of recommended servings per day for optimum health.

Frozen foods can also be surprisingly nutritious. A frozen meal of some meat, fish or chicken, accompanied by vegetable, tasty fruits, juice and some milk can be a nutritionally balanced meal as well. The nutrients from the foods are still well-maintained in these food items despite them being frozen.

Everyone?s energy intake is different. This depends a lot on age, fitness and body shapes. It is advisable to match your daily food intake to your energy needs. This helps to maintain weight. Generally, a meal prepared according to the food pyramid is an excellent choice.

The next big thing is making sure that the carbohydrates you choose contains low glycemic index (GI). The low GI carbohydrates provide you with energy throughout the day in a slow, continuous fashion. This slow release of energy keeps you feeling fuller for longer and helps to maintain your physical requirements for energy.

When preparing a balanced meal, try to choose lean meat such as low-fat meat, fish or chicken. These help to build and maintain the muscle components in the body. Eggs are also a good choice for building muscle mass.

Why is it important to have a balanced meal? One of the reasons is that having excess calories causes someone to gain weight easily. Once a person?s body mass index (BMI) is too high, this could increase the person?s risk of getting various medical complications. Therefore, healthy eating is a major part in maintain health.

Exercising is an important part of maintaining health. The balanced meal and exercise complements each other in helping one achieve good health. It works together to bring you better quality of life. - 17274

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