Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Dirty Dozen - 12 Foods to Avoid

By Johncoc Hermsin

In today's fast-paced society, Americans find little time to prepare and eat nutritious meals. That is why the line at the fast food drive through is so long at peak meal times. Consequently, Americans suffer from obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Having a tasty but unhealthy snack every now and then will not ruin your health, but if you consistently make poor food choices, your health will suffer. If you want to lose weight, just start eating better or if you want to lose fat and build muscle you must remove these foods from your diet.

Deep fried fats and oils: Foods deep fried in fats and oil will definitely raise your bad cholesterol and have been linked to cancer.

White flour: Wheat is a nutritious food until the bran and germ is removed, leaving behind a product that lacks essential nutrients. Refined flour products are also linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

Sugar: Calories aside, most people do not know that the fructose in refined sugar also raises your cholesterol levels.

Canned soups: Many popular soups found on grocery store shelves are amazingly high in sodium, fat and calories, particularly the cream varieties.

Donuts: There is nothing nutritionally virtuous about a deep fried refined white flour blob dipped in sugar.

Energy drinks: If you need a quick pick-up from one of the many popular energy drinks, be aware that you are also getting high amounts of sugar, caffeine and carbohydrates.

French fries: The simple sugars in potatoes quickly convert to glucose and raise your insulin levels significantly. French fries are extremely high in trans fat, calories, sodium and the carcinogen acrylamide.

Granola Bars: Granola's reputation has taken a nose-dive in recent years due to the fact that has evolved into something that is a far cry from its original formula. Now laden with far, sugar and calories, granola bars should just be moved to the candy aisle of the supermarket.

Dried Fruit: Though it may be convenient to store and eat, defiantly pass on dried fruit. Commercially processed dried fruit is often sprinkled with sugar and contains additives and preservatives.

Margarine: Once though of as a healthy alternative to butter, the trans fat in margarine is linked to a higher risk of heart disease.

Sodas: Loaded with sugar and caffeine, drinking too much soda can harm your teeth and many people are becoming wary of the side effects associated with artificial sweeteners found in diet sodas.

Hot Dogs: There is nothing healthy about the hot dog. This summertime grill staple is loaded with preservatives, sodium and fat. Choose lean chicken or salmon for your next cookout. - 17274

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