Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Maintaining a Raw Food Diet and Things to Think About

By Bob Hirt

Each and every day we are constantly scrutinized and bombarded with media about our eating habits and what we should or should not be eating. While we know the right's and wrong's of what we should or should not be eating and that it's unhealthy but it's so good that we find it hard or we're unable to stop. You physical health then takes and turn for the worst because we cannot or will not change our exercise or dieting habits.

Just like physical fitness, our own emotions play an integral part of our nutrition and well being. We've probably all had the experience of receiving some bad news or been on an emotional roller coaster and suddenly losing your appetite. This clearly shows that our emotions are an vital part of how your body addresses and processes food. It's a very important part of your health.

Hopefully this article will help even the avid raw food dieter improve their health and refine their program. The topics below may help you on your way

1. The evil food cravings

It's a perfectly normal experience to crave cooked and processed foods when you make the decision to move to a more raw or all raw food diet. The situation arrises when those cravings just don't go away and continue to persist.

Our nutritional habits and emotions are the two drivers for our cravings.

The nutritional aspects are fairly simple to pinpoint: if you don't get in the habit of eating enough calories from your vegetables and fruits, you *will* continue to crave the evil cooked and processed foods.

The toughest part of trying to get enough minerals from your veggies while not taking in too much fat from all the fruit.

Some of our cravings come from eating or consuming too much fat. The best defense against cravings is by forming a "healthy" approach to nutrition that includes a "low fat" diet.

But keep in mind though, that the average active woman should consume between 1800 to 2500 calories each day, and the average active man should consume between 2500 to 3000. A visit to www.fitday.com will be able to show you if you're consuming enough vegetables and fruits to maintain you daily calorie intake.

2. Physical Fitness should always included daily

Did you know that physically fit people are not necessarily healthy? Have you heard of athletes that have died of heart attacks? You can be physically fit and not healthy but not healthy without being physically fit.

Your health may still suffer even though you are watching your diet. You need to get to where your body fat index is optimal and you are above average in your fitness routine or you won't get the results you want.

As you get more physically fit your body changes. Your food is more efficiently absorbed into the body as the fat burning furnace continues to grow. The bodies whole nutrition process goes through a metamorphosis with a better fitness plan.

As always, improve on your areas of weakness first as these will be the hardest to overcome and bring greater joy early on when you achieve your goal but most of our weakness resides in the fitness portion of our lives.

3. Eating fruit before every meal is ideal

Most people like fruit don't they? Well how about including it as a before meal snack? This has the effect of making you more full when you eat your regular meal be it lunch or dinner. Don't stuff yourself with fruit though, just enough for a good snack before each meal and you'll find yourself eating less.

When you're making the move to a raw food diet make sure and include fruit at the beginning of every meal like we mentioned earlier. Did you get in trouble when you were a kid for eating fruit before a meal? Now that we're grown up we need to change our eating habits by satisfying our sweet tooth's with fruit which will curb our craving.

4. Whole grain produce is good to eat

Your focus should be to pursue eating 100% whole grains because our bodies convert the sugar in these rich carbohydrate sources at a slow rate which keeps our bodies energized longer than simple sugars. The fiber contained in these grains will help you to quickly flush and eliminate toxic waste that forms in the body and the grains themselves are loaded with antioxidants much needed by our bodies. This is the type of diet that our ancient ancestors consumed who felt and stayed looking young and working hard long into their senior years. Health food experts around the globe have stated for years the benefits of a diet that is high in whole grains and the ever growing evidence has become overwhelming. Whole grains are the best way to get complex carbohydrates during your daily routine.

Having a raw food diet can only have positive benefits. Just don't take 2 to 20 years to realize something that should only take you 2 months to get going into a regular routine. Your body will thank you for it. - 17274

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