Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Is the Vince Delmonte Workout Worth Its Popularity?

By Caitlin Ryan

Have you seen Vince Delmonte's No Nonsense programs for fat loss, six-pack abs or muscle gain? They are quite popular, but why? What sets his program above the rest? There are hundreds of muscle-building programs available today, so why is Vince's program so hot?

Vince understands his target audience very well because he used to be one of them. He used to subscribe to the traditional bodybuilding programs that left his ectomorph body in sorry shape. There are three different types of bodies. There are endomorphs, mesomorphs and ectomorphs. Each body type needs a different method for building muscle or losing fat.

Skinny Vinny (as he used to be called) is an ectomorph. He used to have a very delicate build and could not gain any muscle mass no matter how often or hard he worked out. Even though his methods at the time helped others, they did not help him.

Fed up, he delved into studying body types and figuring out what would work for the skinny type ectomorph as well as the endomorph and mesomorph.

Mesomorphs tend to have nice builds, naturally. Traditional body building programs work well because these people develop muscle easily and lose weight easily. Women in this category tend to have hourglass shapes and men tend to have square shapes.

The soft bodied, chubby endomorphs can lose the fat and bulk up muscle mass to rid themselves of their round bodies. They will not feel frustrated with skimpy diets and lack of muscle gain that goes along with other fat loss programs.

So, how did Vince turn his skinny, ectomorph body into a well-defined, ripped body? He ate the right foods in the right combinations and worked out in such a way to continually challenge his muscles.

He learned long ago that high calorie shakes or diets only cause the ectomorph to gain fat. The right type of lean proteins combined with the right type of carbs helps the ectomorph build muscle mass rather than a bunch of fat around the middle.

Vince learned that endomorphs tend to eat too little when trying to lose weight and build body mass. What they really needed to do was eat foods in the right combination because too little food lowers metabolism and forces them to store more fat (something they do not need) and even rob lean body mass making it difficult to strengthen, firm and bulk muscles.

His muscle-building program is popular because it helps so many different body types. It is practically tailor-made.

Ectomorphs are able to gain lean body mass rather than a chubby gut. Mesomorphs can use the program and continue to build their physique. Endomorphs can lose the fat and feed the muscle. - 17274

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