Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Weight Lifting Routines Done Systematically Guarantees Success

By Jace P. Andersen

Working out systematically when doing weight lifting routines will not only guarantee the results you are looking for, but will keep you focused on why you are doing this sporting activity. So develop an exercise routine to suit your time tables as well as lifestyle.

Your muscles suffer enormous damage during a weight lifting session as the micro fibers inside your muscles get ripped apart due to the strain put on them by the weights. In order for these micro muscle elements to recover fully, you need to give them ample time to do so. This recovery period may last up to seventy two hours and during this time you need to ensure you eat the right amounts and kinds of food for the muscle to repair itself.

After a resting period of up to 72 hours, you can repeat the tearing process again. This ongoing process will stimulate muscles into growing quite a lot larger. Keep in mind that the healing period is vital otherwise you simply keep on ripping muscles apart and they do not heal, causing yourself great pain and discomfort. This is why a sensible routine makes a lot of sense as it avoids over-exercising by accident.

Divide your body into three sections - shoulders and arms, back and stomach and legs. Make sure you focus on a single area during any routine by working only on those muscles. The next day you may move to another part of your body and so on. This way you allow at least three days to pass before you are back at the first muscle group again.

Quickly your body will come into a rhythm where you lift weights every day, but keep a total resting day where you do no exercise at all to prevent total burn out. On your resting days you may enjoy a leisurely jog, swim or walk, but stay away from any heavy lifting.

After a few weeks, your muscles may stop growing as they become used to the weight lifting. This is called a plateau and should be avoided by mixing up the kind of exercises you do. Different grips on the weights will change in a fine way which muscle takes the main strain. Change your routine as well by mixing up your current days. Doing this will not only keep your mind focused on exercising, but will fool your body into avoid those dreaded plateaus.

A successful exercise regime will have muscle strength as a result. As you get stronger, you will need to lift even more weight so make appropriate adjustments to keep challenging your muscles. These changes will form part of any weight lifting program, so do them on time to avoid wasting your time by lifting weight that do not strain your muscles enough. Senseless exercise may de-motivate you as no results are visible.

Your diet is as important as the weights you lift as your body will need the right food at the appropriate times to assist the muscles to re-grow. Eat a fair amount of protein as these are the basic building materials for new muscle. To avoid getting tired, you must include enough carbohydrates as well, as this food group fuels the energy levels of the body enabling you to keep up with the weight lifting regime. - 17274

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