Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bodybuilding Workouts, How to Build Huge Biceps?

By Ricardo d Argence

If your goal is to develop large biceps, then chances are you're going to need both a decent diet plan, and a training plan. Eating a good diet is a great idea, hopefully you are eating natural foods, and around five meals per day. If you are doing it right then you are getting a decent amount of carbs, lean protein, and even a decent amount of fat. It's also very important that you drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. There's a reason behind this, which you will no doubt learn in time.

Do your big lifts first in your lifting routine. It's believed that the big lifts like squats encourage your system to produce more growth hormone, which will help all your muscles to grow.

It would be wise to stay away from the machines and just go for the free weights. They call for a greater amount of control than a machine would. As long as you do compound exercises, your arms will get the workout that they need.

You will get a great bicep workout while you are doing these exercises, so long as you are doing a pulling action. Make sure that you are not doing arm exercises by themselves when you first start out. If you do this, then your compound exercises will not make much of an impact. Ensure that you perform the basic arm exercises when you are finishing up your exercise routine.

If you want, you can give pre-exhaustion training a try. It's like the original routine, but it's reversed. This means that your arm muscles will become exhausted and the driver will work much harder. It works harder because your arms abilities will be lowered greatly.

Because your biceps are exhausted, the lats will need to put forth more effort. The question is whether or not this is actually a good idea. The only way to find out is to give it a try yourself and find out.

If you are finished with the big compound moves, then it's time to move on to the arm exercises to get big biceps. Hit your arms from as many angles as you can, but don't over do it. I like to do a standing curl to hit the middle portion of the biceps; a decline curl (about 10 - 20 degrees off vertical) for my biceps to get it in the stretched position; and a concentration or spider curl to really hit the peak contraction point. By the way these are all supinated, or palms up.

You can superset your biceps with similar three position tricep exercises. For instance an overhead triceps extension for the stretched position; a standing triceps pushdown for the middle position and a triceps kick-back for the peak contraction position.

Remember to choose a position for the day and don't just go at it haphazardly. A few examples of good positions are middle, stretched, peak, and many others. Though you'll want to do three or maybe even four supersets in a day, it isn't a good idea to exceed that. Above all, do warmup exercises before you begin so you don't end up pulling something!

Then there's the brachialis muscle. This is a muscle that is beneath the biceps and you will need to maintain a decent balance within your arms. To do this, you will need to turn your palms down during the exercise. Note that the brachialis is the main muscle involved in flexing your elbow. If you turn your palms down, the biceps will be out of the picture and you will be able to focus on the brachialis. By making the muscle bigger, the biceps will be pushed up, and they will be more prevalent.

Make sure you are on a good diet. If you are not, then chances are you will never attain the muscle growth that you want. Make sure that you do complete workouts, and most of all, eat properly. - 17274

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