Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Abs Exercises

By James Statham

Are you ready to find out what exactly are the best abs exercises around today? Well by reading this article, you will be shown what really are the exercises that will give you a six pack quick, and what exercises you should avoid like the plague! Also, you will be shown the specific food you need to be consuming for maximum muscle growth, and what foods are holding back your efforts of getting lean and ripped. First of all, what are the exercises to avoid?

Traditional abs exercises have gotten great praises from the so called experts. Crunches, sit ups and leg lifts are the most raved about. The experts like to tell you that if you specifically train an area of your body, in this case your abs, you will get very lean and muscly in that area. This is wrong! If you want to get ripped abs, then there is two certain things you need to be doing. That is to raise your metabolism and to lower your body fat levels. Traditional exercises like these do nothing to help those things, and therefore are useless! So what exercises are the best to get rock solid abs?

You should, instead, be incorporating high intense, compound exercises into your workout routine. When I say compound exercises, this means using only free weights, and involves several muscle groups. Again, the experts like to tell you to use machines, but free weights are a thousand times more effective. This is because when you use free weights, you're supporting all of the weight, rather than the machine helping you. This means you're exercising a wide variety of muscles, and not just the prime mover! Great abs exercises, that contain what I have mentioned, will really help to raise your metabolism, due to the high intensity of the exercise.

One of my favourite abs exercises is called the renegade dumbbell row. What you need is two dumbbells, get into the press up position, with your palms resting on the dumbbells, and begin to raise one dumbbell out to the side, whilst resting on the other. This is a very effective exercise, because it targets your whole upper body, meaning more muscles are working, which means for fat burn!

So now you know the basics of some good abs exercises, you need to know that you can't get a six pack unless you improve your diet. What you eat is probably the most vital factor in getting ripped. So, if you're serious about reaching your goals, you need to eliminate the rubbish foods from your diet. Replace the rubbish foods with high protein meals. Protein is essential in building muscle, and will make your muscles bigger and stronger!

Remember, don't quit! If you expect results overnight, then maybe getting a six pack isn't for you. If you are prepared to put the work in however, you will get the results you wish for! - 17274

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