Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jump Start Metabolism - How Metabolism Affects Our Weight

By Dan Beckwith

Have you realized that some people can eat whatever they want and never gain weight? Or have you thought about why some people can lose weight on a diet and others can not? Maybe you need to jump start metabolism.

The answer of course is your metabolism. Every individual has a metabolic rate that is unique to them.

Metabolism is the process by which calories are used in the body. Your body always uses calories, but metabolism determines the rate at which they are used as energy or stored as fat. Muscles cause more calories to be used by the body, even when at rest and are therefore called "metabolic reactive". To jump start metabolism, just get more muscle.

Muscle burns calories, so you want more muscle. Diet plans often include an exercise requirement to build muscles.

Healthy foods jump start metabolism and junk foods slow it down turning calories into fat. The food we eat combined with the exercise we get determines the rate of our metabolism. There are other things as well:

Age makes a difference - as we age, our metabolism tends to slow down.

Stress is also influential. More and more studies are linking obesity with stress on the job and in the home. Aside from our tendency to eat more when stressed, it's been discovered that stress actually interferes with some of the normal processes in the body which in turn slows our metabolism. Seems odd, but yoga or meditation could be a key to jump start metabolism!

Sleep... it has been well researched and proven that not getting enough sleep - or getting too much sleep - will mess up your metabolism. To jump start metabolism, 7 to 9 hours a day is the best amount.

Metabolism can be affected by our genetic make-up and various health issues. (Like an over active thyroid.) So, that's one good reason to always see a doctor before starting any weight loss or exercise program. It never hurts to get a little peace of mind, knowing that you don't have any health issues that will hurt your efforts to jump start metabolism.

Water is a factor, too. You have probably been told to drink more water. The reason given for this is that water fills you up and makes you feel full so you eat less. That sounds good, but the real reason is that water keeps you hydrated. Dehydration slows metabolism. Drink enough water and your metabolism stays high. Plus water flushes toxins from the body and stops water form being stored in the body to lead to weight loss.

Get all the facts about how to jump start metabolism and losing weight on my website and through my FREE mini-course " Fast Weight Loss Tips! - 17274

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