Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, March 13, 2009

4 Weight Loss Tips Not To Forget

By Henry John

What do you do if you want to lose weight? The story in the mirror isn't getting any better. Something has to be done....but what? Another diet? Oh, no! Not again, please! There must be a better way of losing weight than going on a diet?

You don't mind a challenge, but it has got to be for something worthwhile. You don't consider a diet id worthwhile any more Why? Because after all the effort and commitment that you put into the last one, the weight just came back again after a few months.

You can put up with most things. You are a fairly resilient person, but when you are at a low ebb, when you're overweight, it is quite difficult to remain positive when you find that all your effort was for nothing. As a reluctant member of the serial dieters club, you are pretty fed up with diets.

It is not widely known that serial dieters suffer from serious loss of muscle mass. This is because when they diet they tend to lose quite a lot of weight quickly. This has the effect of reducing their muscle mass. Why? Because when you diet you lose fat and muscle. When you stop your diet and the weight comes back again, it's fat that comes back, not muscle.

A problem? Certainly: apart from the fact that you will find daily functions more difficult because your muscle mass has deteriorated, your metabolism will have been compromised as well? Why? Because muscle is a very good burner of energy. The more muscle you have the better you will be at burning energy (calories). The less muscle you have the more difficult you will find it to burn energy and therefore lose weight.

4 Good weight loss tips for you to remember: 1. Diets are not good for you. Don't go on a diet. 2. Weight loss pills have the same effect as diets. Avoid them. 3. Find a program that has an exercise plan. You need a program that covers all aspects of weight loss. 4. The most important thing if you want to lose weight permanently is to make change and to learn new habits, slim habits. This is the only true way to lose weight and for it not to reappear. - 17274

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