Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Ugly Truth about Colon Cleansers

By Dorthy Weatherbush

If a person maintains a healthy diet then usually regular bowel movements are not a problem. However, the majority of the world does not eat as healthy as they should. If used properly, colon cleansers can be a wonderful tool to becoming healthier. However, they can also be misused to lose weight that should not be lost.

At this moment, many of the statistics say that you probably have between 4 and 9 pounds of fecal matter attached to the walls of your colon. The side affects of this can be as simple as constant constipation, gas, indigestion and maybe even acid reflux disease. The reality is that if you are faced with most if not all of these symptoms, perhaps the time has come for a complete cleanse. Many of the best cleanses to use are the natural products that are specially prepared to cleanse the colon and detoxify your liver. They key is that you should feel better after a more alert and refreshed after a colon cleanse and not the reverse.

While colon cleansers are a great tool for detoxifying your body, they can be used incorrectly as a weight loss tool. It is difficult to blame the American consumer because many of these products have been sold to you as a method to shed those unwanted pounds. Let's be clear, if you have more than 7 pounds to lose, a colon cleaning is not for you. Rather than looking to cleansing as the antidote to your bad eating habits, why not make it the beginning of your new healthy and vibrant lifestyle.

It is important to note that colon cleansing is not a quick fix solution; rather it is a subtle shift in how you feel about yourself and who you are. After your cleanse, you should focus on consuming foods high in fiber. If you were expecting an over night miracle, then this may be a little disappointing. Colon Cleansers are not a quick turn solution to help you lose weight.

Think of your body as a sponge. When using that sponge in the course of a day, it can get really dirty and dingy. Now what happens when you run water over the sponge in an effort to rinse it out? The debris and dirt fall away from the sponge down the drain. If you squeeze the sponge, even more of the residue is released. Well, the same is true of our bodies. Yes, a colon cleanse may cause insignificant weight loss but think about the lasting benefits of having all of the gunk out of you.

Do you still think that colon cleaners are a great weight loss tool? If so, you have seen way to many infomercials and have been misled. If you and your doctor agree that a colon cleanse is right for you then by all means give one a go however if you are simply are trying to fit into that party dress or those jeans, then you are in for a rude awakening. While most cleansers are safe, you'd be better served disregarding the hype and following a trust and proven diet program for weight loss results. - 17274

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