Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Natural Way For A Colon Cleansing Detox

By Erik Loebl

There are several ways to removing toxins from the body, and performing a colon cleansing detox. And there are many reasons why you should want to remove toxins from your body. Toxins are poisons plain and simple. And you do not want your body full of toxins. Whatever the medical reasons for diabetes, high blood pressure, or even cancer, it is safe to say that toxins do not prevent illness and disease.

What are the toxins we consume everyday. Well, where shall we start... Do you smoke? Do you drink alcohol? Those are two major sources of toxins entering your body right there. But even if you do not smoke or drink you still live in the modern world of the automobile where we are subjected to breathing in auto exhaust on a daily basis. If you work in an office building or other enclosed structure with a ventilation system and the air filters have not been cleaned in years then the air you breathe at work will build up toxins in your body over time.

How is your diet? Do you consume fast food on a regular basis? There are many chemicals and preservatives in processed fast food that will build up to toxic levels in you body over time. Do you include in your shopping basket chips and soda, regular or diet, frozen foods? All of these edible items have chemicals and preservatives that will build up in your body over time.

The unfortunate part of the toxic build up is that it happens very slowly. It is a slow pollution. Our body puts up with it the best way it can. It sends us signals like heart burn or fatigue or headache or other check engine lights. But we ignore the signs and continue to eat the wrong foods and keep smoking and drinking. Then the damage occurs and sometimes the damage cannot be repaired.

There are a lot of ways people try to cleanse or detox their body; supplements, diets, fasting. Whatever the latest fad diet out there you will hear about it on the internet or on the news or on the talk shows. And they diets, or products might work.

There are probably some with good data, scientific studies, and results to support them. But what do you do once you remove the toxins from your body? Do you go back to the fast food, soda, chips, alcohol and tobacco? If so you merely cleaned out your system so you can pollute it again. You need to start eating food that is not processed.

You have get cleaned up and then stop taking back the toxins. Stop or curtail the drinking, the tobacco, the soda and chips, the fast food. You have to prepare your own meals. If you do not cook now, learn. Or get someone prepare your food for you at home not at a restaurant. Cooking your own meals not only helps your health but also your bank account. It is so much cheaper to prepare your meals and eat at home than eating out.

Your body is wonderfully made. Given the chance it will repair and restore itself. But you need to stop right now filling it up with toxins. Your body needs the chance for removing toxins naturally. So naturally you need to start your healthier lifestyle, and a colon cleansing detox today. - 17274

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