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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Natural Remedies for Acne

By Kevin Simons

Anyone who has suffered from acne knows how scarring it can be both physically and emotionally. Not everybody reacts well to the medications currently on the market for acne. In this case, it might be worth looking into a home remedy for acne or alternative methods.

Avoiding greasy foods and avoiding sugar and refined carbs is gaining support as one possible cause for acne. This is considered a controversial subject, but there are more than enough studies relating high carb, especially high sugar diets, with acne problems.

If you look at real life cases about acne on the internet, I can assure you that you will find plenty of cases where people's acne was improved by cutting down on fatty foods, especially saturated and trans fats. The same people will also tell you that getting stressed or getting too little sleep can also make their acne worse.

I would highly recommend trying to cut back on the grease and sugar to see if it offers any benefits. These kinds of foods are also proven causes of heart disease.

Nutrition for the skin however, is a less controversial subject.

Vitamin A is essential for the well being of your skin. Too little of this vitamin will produce rough skin. Vitamin A also inhibits some of the production of sebum, the oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands. Too much sebum in the skin creates the blockages in your pores that creates acne.

Vitamin E is one of the many antioxidants essential for a strong immune system. Vitamin E in conjunction with vitamin A has healing effects for the skin. So both these vitamins are found in many skin care products. Also like vitamin A, vitamin E helps to inhibit some of the production of sebum.

Zinc is a mineral that is responsible for hundreds of functions needed to be healthy. One of those functions is to heal the skin and limit the scarring that can be caused by acne.


It is easy to get an abundance of the above vitamins and minerals through juicing specific fruits and vegetables. Juicing has much more to offer. It can hydrate the skin and detoxify all the body's cells and cleanse the system.

Acne Remedy Juice #1

1 apple

3 carrots

1/2 apple

Wash ingredients thoroughly. Put them through you juicer and enjoy. This remedy is loaded with vitamin A and also contains vitamin E and zinc.

Home Remedies for Acne Juice #2

1 cup of blueberries

1 cup of blackberries

3 kiwis

Wash the berries and peel off the kiwi skins. This remedy is loaded with vitamins A and E and also zinc.

Acne Relief Juice #3

1/4 of watermelon

Wash the berries thoroughly. Juice and enjoy! Blackberries are an awesome source of vitamins A and E as well as zinc.

Acne Remedy Juice #4

1/4 watermelon

Watermelon is a wonderful cleanser for all your bodies systems.

Home Remedies for Acne Juice #5

5 carrots

4 carrots

Top the carrots and remove stem from apple before juicing. This juice supplies vitamin A and E. - 17274

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