Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Pros And Cons Of Ab Exercises

By Gerald Holt

I'm sitting here eating a huge plate of spaghetti and meat sauce and thinking to myself how great the whole combo tastes----angel hair pasta, tomato sauce with green peppers, celery, onions and beef sauteed in it, and an overlay of grated cheese. Yummmm. And the next thought drifting through my hedonistic mind is, "I wonder what this meal is putting in my system as far as calories go, and will I have to increase my ab exercises just to take care of this meal."

Okay----so my conscience has a point; I am getting flabby in the midsection and I could use some stronger core muscles to look better, and the best way to do that, is to work out with a good battery of ab exercises. I do have a trainer, and I have been trying to stick to a routine that will benefit me the most because, from what I understand, there is nothing like a killer set of 6pack abs to reel in the chicks. And that's not the only area that benefits from having strong core muscles; it also gives you better balance all over and helps with things like sports.

But all the girls seem to think that having a defined 6 pack in the abs area is a must, so I'm doing my darnedest to try and make something of those poor excuses for muscles that I have in that area. Ab exercises are a drag for the most part----I have a medicine ball and I roll around on that and use it to do curls with and some dumbbells that I use for exercises too----but I just can't get into it.

The fact that the ab exercises that I'm talking about have to be done without fail 3-5 times each week is a downer in and of itself because I have never been good with sticking to routines---to me, that's like living a regimented life, and I don't like that. I really need to have someone in my life that cares about me and how I look, and maybe then I would show a little more concern about my midriff and get down to brass tacks and start doing the exercises for real. But until that happens, my midsection is on its own.

Most of the ab exercises I've read about or come across at the gym, are designed to be done 3-5 times a week and on a pretty regular basis. That means you have to set up some kind of a routine so that you can stick to it and get yourself to the gym or to your exercise area at home, whatever; and do it without fail, week after week. Doesn't sound like much fun to me. Why do you have to dedicate so much time to exercising every week just to get fit.

Maybe something that will work is if I start traveling more with my friends that eat right and take care of themselves but don't go nuts over exercising and all that; because they look pretty good, seem to be in good shape, and they don't run to the gym every 5 minutes for ab exercises-----their lifestyle seems to work without all the sweating and grunting associated with exercising. That's an idea that might work.

Just had another newsflash mentally----I should find myself a true blue love interest that will find me attractive the way I am now, but would be supportive of my starting ab exercises and sticking to a routine to improve myself down the road. Now that sounds like a plan that would work----motivation is the key here, and a little loving now and then is a good gas pedal for motivation. Yessirree. Well, I just might do that, just as soon as I finish this plate of yummy spaghetti and sauce, and then slowly pull myself up off the couch. Yep, it's a done deal. - 17274

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