Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How To Choose Exercises To Create A Body Building Program

By Ricardo d Argence

If you want to transform your skinny body into a huge mass of muscle then you need to learn how to make your workout more effective so you get quick results. Here are seven body building tips that will help you meet your goal.

How to choose exercises: If you want to know the best way how to bulk up fast, avoid machines at all costs. Stick to free weights or use your own bodyweight as resistance. Such exercises provide ample motion that is needed for strengthening your joints and muscles. And make sure you lift the heaviest that you can.

Number of sets per workout. Less sets of higher weight is the most effective, especially for beginners. You should aim for a maximum of 12 to 16 sets. This type of low volume training helps you to recover from your workouts faster with less soreness. You can avoid overtraining which allows your muscles to grow faster.

Number of sets per exercise. Beginners at body building should aim for three to five sets of each exercise in order to stimulate muscle growth. After your muscles have developed, you can drop down to one to three sets of high intensity exercise.

How many reps to perform per set: Most muscle building programs promote the 8-12 rep range but it is a much generalized range that doesn't help skinny people grow any muscle at all. Use much heavier weights and get into the 5-8 rep range to stimulate muscle growth. Hypertrophy happens only with heavy stress that is not very repetitive.

How fast should the rep speed be: Reps need to be fast for the skinny guys - a second at most for lifting and two seconds at most for lowering. As long as you don't jerk you can do it speedily. Slow, deliberate motion that is advised in many programs does no good to the skinny lifter.

Resting between sets. Body building beginners should allow 45 to 90 seconds for resting between sets. This is much shorter than the rest time recommended for body builders who already have big muscle mass. As your muscles grow in size and your endurance and strength improves, you should allow at least two to four minutes between sets for recovery.

Training session time. The ideal training time is 30 to 45 minutes. That is all that is required for testosterone to build to peak levels. If you exercise longer than that, cortisol will work against you and tear down muscle tissue. - 17274

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