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Saturday, November 21, 2009

How Good Prenatal Nutrients Can Play A Critical Role In The Health Of Your Baby

By Keith Woolley

Many women try to do their best to remain as healthy as possible through their pregnancies. They cut out alcohol and harmful medications. But prenatal nutrients are one of the most important factors in the health of your pregnancy, and your continuing health as well. Here is a look at some of the most important nutrients you need to take in any supplement, as well as some information about why they are so critical to growing a healthy baby.

Folic acid is important because it helps your baby form a proper nervous system. It helps the neural tubes which are important to the nervous system form correctly and allows the skin to close over the spinal cord at the right stage of development. If the nervous system does not form properly, the baby can develop a serious and life threatening disease. Because the nervous system is formed in very early pregnancy, health care officials are recommending that women take folic acid supplements before they become pregnant so that there are the proper levels of this nutrient in your body. You should also try and eat foods that are high in folate, a natural form of folic acid.

If you do not get high enough levels of folic acid, the baby can be born with neural tube defects such as spina bifida. This is a potentially life threatening disease that can leave the skin of the back open and the spinal cord exposed. There are medications which can actually lower the amount of folic acid in the body and if you are on any of these it is important to take a supplement with extra folic acid.

Another nutrient which many women are low on during pregnancy is iron.

Remember that your body, at least in the first trimester, will be making the blood supply and placenta that nourishes and supports the baby. Because of this large volume of extra blood, you need to make sure you are getting enough iron so you do not become anemic. This can lead to serious health problems for both you and the baby. Unfortunately, iron can actually cause nausea, which can cause problems in early pregnancy, when nausea is already an issue. There are two forms of iron and if you cannot tolerate one, you may be better off taking the other form. Your doctor can give you advice about which one you take.

Calcium is critical to you and the developing baby. The baby is actually able to leach calcium from your own bones and this can lead to osteoporosis and soft teeth. This was often a symptom of pregnancy that many women would suffer from before they found out about the importance of calcium in the diet. By taking enough calcium while you are pregnant you can prevent this from happening.

There are a number of different foods that can supply you with the nutrients you need. Calcium is found in dairy products such as milk and cheese. It needs vitamin D to be absorbed properly. You also need to make sure that if you are taking iron that you take vitamin C as well so that you can absorb it properly. If you suffer from morning sickness you may want to explore different ways of taking vitamins.

You can get vitamins in pill form, but you can also get them in powdered and liquid formulas. This may be best if you have trouble swallowing solids. They are worth a try as long as you make sure they have the right nutrients for proper development. You can also take them at night so that you can sleep through any periods of nausea.

Vegetarians may have special challenges when it comes to proper prenatal nutrition. You may lack iron due to a shortage of red meat products in your daily diet, and calcium from animal products may also be an issue. There are a number of very complete vegan nutritional supplements that you can take, you just need to be sure they have all the elements and vitamins you need. Working with your doctor can be the best way to keep yourself healthy and your baby growing strong. - 17274

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