Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, October 2, 2009

Target the Epstein Barr, Hepatitis, and Herpes Viruses with Gene-Eden, a Broad Range, Natural Antiviral Supplement

By Mary L. Symor

What is your number one enemy? Chronic viruses that reside in your body. Scientific research shows that viruses, such as the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Herpes Virus, and the Hepatitis Virus (HBV and HCV), that reside in almost all of us, cause most major diseases. Worried? There is a solution.

Recently, the Center for the Biology of Chronic Diseases (CBCD) published a very interesting press release about the relationship between the chronic viruses that reside in all of us and cancer. The press release cited Dr. Ila R Singh, an associate professor of pathology at the University of Utah, who said that "for the first time we have analyzed prostate cancer and normal prostate tissue and found cancers are much more likely to have [the XMRV virus]." ... "It was also more likely to be present in more aggressive tumors," Singh said. "We found it in 20 percent of the least aggressive tumors and over 45 percent of the most aggressive tumors."

Dr. Singh's is not alone. There are many studies that find chronic viruses living in malignant tissues in many different types of cancer. My surprise came in the next section. As it turns out, Dr. Hanan Polansky predicted these results! In 2003, Dr. Polansky published his highly acclaimed "purple book." In his book Dr. Polansky states that the cause of most cancers is chronic viruses. According to Dr. Polansky, chronic viruses are genetic parasites, which "starve" human genes and cause them to behave as if they have been mutated. Now, we all know that mutated genes cause cause cancer, and many other diseases. This means, that chronic viruses also cause these diseases.

The beauty of the press release is in the next section. This section offers a metaphor to help those of us that don't have a solid background in biology. It is asking us to think of the nucleus inside the cell, where the chronic viruses live, as a field with many flowers. To bear fruits, these flowers need to be pollinated by bees. Now take a chronic virus and think of it as another flower that migrated into this field. The viral flower is also dependent on the bees for pollination. However, the viral flower has a very strong scent and brighter colors. What is the effect of the new flower on the local flowers? The bees, that used to pollinate the local flowers, now hover most of the time over the viral flowers. The result? The production of fruits by the local flowers declines. And since many animals are dependent on these fruits, the entire ecosystem is suffering. The "starved" human genes stop the production of their "fruits," or proteins. In technical terms, we can say that the human genes behave as if they've mutated. (They were not mutated, by to a confused scientist they look like they were!) Now what happens to the host in general? Without the important proteins, the cell starts to behave strangely, and the host starts to show the symptoms of a major disease.

What a powerful metaphor!

Then the release finishes with a bang. We can do something about the chronic viruses in our body. As it turns out, the Starved Gene discovery inspired scientists at polyDNA to develop a broad range, all natural, dietary supplement that targets many of the most common viruses. To develop the antiviral supplement, they used their signature process. They scanned the scientific literature, analyzed thousands of papers using a proprietary bio-informatics-based computer program, and identified the most effective and safe antiviral natural ingredients. These ingredients were combined to form Gene-Eden, a supplement that targets viruses such as the Flu virus, Epstein Barr virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Herpes Simplex virus (HSV), Varicella Zoster virus(VZV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), or Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

For more information on Gene-Eden, visit http://www.gene-eden.com. To order Gene-Eden, visit Amazon.com. - 17274

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