Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, August 30, 2009

5 Sure Ways to Get Back Shape Post-Pregnancy

By Patsie Adams

You just gave birth, your 8-pound baby is out and you still get asked When are you due? Its horrible really, but post-pregnancy weight loss takes time and effort. This article will discuss what it takes to get you back in shape post-delivery. Yes, you can reclaim your body post-baby!

Before anything else, be realistic. Carrying a child for 9 months will really impact you body. It will take some time and patience to get back into those old jeans. When it comes to losing weight post-pregnancy, best to do it slowly but surely.

It's important to note that your body is still recovering. Immediately after birth is not the time for diet gimmicks, pills or quick weight loss programs. Suddenly jumping back into heavy exercise is not a good idea either. Consider these things well - for the sake of your health and your baby's health.

But do not lose heart. There ARE ways to lose weight post-pregnancy. Just be smart about it. Here are 5 great tips for losing weight after baby:

1. Nurse your baby. Breast feeding shrinks your uterus and tummy back into shape. Feeding your baby your own milk also burns up to about 500 or more calories per day. Breast milk is the bast kind of nutrition you can give your baby AND at the same time, will help you get back in shape post-pregnancy.

2. Eat healthy. Stay away from the usual suspects of high fat, high sugar and super salty foods with empty calories. Instead, eat plenty of fruits, whole grains, fiber rich food and an ample amount of lean protein to keep you strong and healthy enough to care for your baby - and these healthy foods will also keep you from eating junk that will only keep you fat.

3. Hydrate. If you are breast feeding, it is extra important to drink plenty of fluids. Drinking plenty of water will also cleanse your system as it aids in digestion and helps your body get rid of toxins. Regular bathroom trips and a clean system are very useful for post-pregnancy weight loss!

4. Get back into exercise... slowly. When you take time-off baby duty, make sure there's physical activity included. Mommy-time should involve some light to moderate exercise. You can take daily walks that build up to jogs, then runs. You can also take a dance class or a cadio class at the gym. Just be sure to check with your doctor first before starting an exercise program, especially after giving birth.

5. Bond with your baby. Just choosing bonding activities that involve some action can help you burn calories - and lose some of that stubborn baby weight. Taking the bay to walks in the park burns calories. So do some mommy-and-baby yoga classes. Bond and burn!

Post-pregnancy weight loss should not be just a pipe dream. Having the baby is no excuse for you to think you cant fit into your old clothes again. Many other women have done it. So can you!

Just be disciplined with your food and your exercise time. The weight can fall off, but it is not going fall off on its own. You still have some work to do! Now get to it, and know that you are on your way to meeting your post-pregnancy weight loss goal. - 17274

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