Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, August 1, 2009

3 Tips For Faster Weight Loss and a Healthy Diet

By Francis Mack

If losing weight is your goal, your diet is the first thing you need to address. Exercise is certainly important also, but when it comes down to losing weight, diet is crucial. I hope this article will provide some useful tips and information on how you can make some healthy changes in your everyday diet.

1. Make sure that you include "healthy fats" in your diet, whenever you can. This helps to maintain the correct hormone levels the body needs, both for burning fat and for building muscle. They also help to keep your appetite under control.

You may be wondering where you can get all these "healthy fats". Well, seeds, raw nuts and avocados are good sources, as are the yolks of organic eggs. Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides, a great source of healthy fats. Extra virgin olive oil has the highest level of antioxidants, and grass-fed meat has "conjugated linoleic acid", which helps to build muscle as well as burn fat.

You could try this tip " have a handful of raw nuts (walnuts, pecans or almonds are all very good choices) about a half-hour before meals, 3 times a day. They are great for helping to suppress your appetite, and also to give your body protein, some fiber and of course, healthy fat. You dont need to eat a lot of nuts " they are high in nutrients.

2. With each of your meals, try to include a high-protein item. I like to use a grass-fed dairy product, a grass-fed meat product, or high-protein beans or nuts. This helps to control your intake of calories and takes the edge off your appetite.

Getting these proteins mean that your body will put on more lean muscle mass, if you are working out regularly. This in turn means that your metabolism will be able to run faster and burn off that fat.

3. When you eat a lot of protein with your meals, you also help your body to control both insulin and blood sugar levels. This is because the protein helps to slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates which are ingested. And although I am not in favour of those "low-carb" diets, I feel that the reason so many people find it such a struggle to lose weight, is that their intake of processed carbohydrates, and refined sugar, is so high.

Fruits contain sugars also, but they are OK because the fiber contained within the fruit helps to slow down the response of the blood sugar. But watch out for fruit juice - avoid it because the fiber has been stripped out by the processing of the juice.

After people start reducing their grain intake (by reducing their consumption of bread, pasta, cereals, bagels etc) it usually follows that they start losing fat. So if you want to see results, switch from grain to fruit and vegetables as much as possible. Losing weight could become a whole lot easier for you.

If you take action on these 3 steps towards a healthier diet, I am sure that you will soon see the evidence of a leaner body and increased energy levels. - 17274

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