Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, July 24, 2009

Healthy People Eat Breakfast Foods

By Dr. Grandma

How important are those breakfast foods at the start of your day? Well, I think we have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but too many either don't agree or can't seem to manage it. I hear it more and more frequently these days that eating breakfast isn't that big of a deal.

Some people want that extra ten minutes sleep and others just don't like breakfast foods. What most overlook however, is that there are more good reasons to eat breakfast than to skip it.

Skipping breakfast leaves your stomach empty and with all you have to get done before lunch, chances are you are going to grab some sugary snack or two to get you by. Your body needs vitamins, minerals and energy to do its job. If you don't take care of it first thing then it is more difficult to fit it in after you get started with all the other demands on your time.

Starting the day with breakfast improves concentration and memory. Those men and women who think skipping breakfast will help them lose weight are actually making it much more difficult to control their waistline. Several studies have shown that eating breakfast actually helps control weight better. Hungry people on the go generally consume poor quality foods.

A balanced breakfast has whole grains, low-fat protein, low-fat dairy, fruits and vegetables. Just think, if you ate a hard-boiled egg, a whole-wheat pancake, some fruit, and a glass of skim milk, you'd have a great start to your day. If you just take a little time to think about it, you'll find its not much trouble at all to find healthy breakfast foods you enjoy and take only moments to prepare.

Avoid sugary cereals, they have very little nutritional value and do more harm than good. Try something hardier that will provide more than just a sugar rush. A real basic guideline for cereal would be at least 3 grams of fiber, 13 grams or less of sugar, and less than 120 calories per serving.

Finding the right breakfast foods is only the beginning. It takes time for you recognize the benefits of eating a good meal at the beginning of each day. Don't give up, devote the effort to make it a habit. As you develop healthy habits in one place of your life you will begin to learn what other areas of your life can use some tuning up.

Now is the time. Make that first meal your best meal. Wake up a little earlier and enjoy the morning. Or, if you really aren't a morning person do some planning the night before. Know what you are going to consume in the morning. Fill your body with the good stuff that will last and leave those fattening teeth rotting snacks behind. Formulate new habits that will help you both mind and body. You'll learn how rewarding good health can be. - 17274

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