Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lower Ab Exercises- Bucks County Personal Trainer Explains Possibilities

By Jose Loni

Can doing lower ab exercises give us ripped abs? No, isolation through lower ab exercises is not the answer. The key to toned, visible abs is a faster metabolism via a smart eating plan and regular physical activity.

Lower ab exercises will not give us defined abs. Exercises for the lower abs will get the area stronger and help stabilize and support the back and hip area, but it is not possible to spot reduce.

Training the problem area directly will not burn the fat found in that area either. What we need to do is train the whole body so that excess body fat, especially around the stomach area, can be burned as fuel and used as energy.

A smart eating plan, consisting of smart food choices, allows the body to easily burn these for energy. This jumpstarts our metabolism and allows the burning of excess body fat stored in our stomach area.

Lowering caloric intake by eating small meals 5-6 times throughout the day helps keep our energy up and our blood sugar stable. Energy is used to digest food so the frequent meals help burn even more calories.

Engaging in overall physical activity is a great metabolism booster. Our muscles are positively affected by resistance training, in particular, causing them to work harder and consume more energy. As a result, our body gets more efficient at locating and using up excess fat as fuel.

Meanwhile, engaging in anaerobic interval training builds explosive and highly reactive muscles that require more energy. Thus, increased muscle activity allows our body to be more efficient in burning excess fat stores, leading to continued fat burning even hours after training.

It is not possible to get six pack abs by doing just lower ab exercises. Spot reducing does not work and in order to really have well-defined abs, we must understand and make changes in our diet and exercise program, so we are able to increase our metabolism. - 17274

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