Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Facts About Cellulite

By El Bilson

It can be hard to tell facts about cellulite from cellulite myths. This is mostly because cellulite is not very well studied. However based on what we do know about cellulite, there are dermatologists and plastic surgeons that can agree on things such as the causes of cellulite and which treatments work best. Even still, more needs to be known about cellulite before we can eliminate it for good.

A cellulite fact that is generally agreed on by doctors is that cellulite is not so much a fat problem as it is a skin problem. The reason for this is because cellulite is made up of fat that resides directly beneath the skin. The elasticity of your skin can have an effect on the appearance of cellulite.

Physicians also agree that cellulite is found mainly in women over 35 years of age. But age is not believed to be the primary factor in the development of cellulite. Women of all ages are affected by cellulite including girls in their teens.

Doctors also agree on the fact that there are a few key reasons why some people develop cellulite while others do not. The three key reasons for this are hormones, genetics and anatomy. The anatomy of the septa plays a role in the development of cellulite.

It is important to know a little bit about our skin in order to understand cellulite. Septa are the fibrous bands of connective tissue that surround fat cells in the skin to help keep them in place. In men the septa run in a diagonal pattern while in women their pattern is vertical. A person's genetics play an important part in determining how many septa are found in the body and thus how much cellulite they may have. Doctors feel that our circulatory systems are affected by hormones or may become damaged over time, allowing cellulite to become more apparent.

While opinions of how well they work may vary, experts do agree on four treatments for cellulite. The four treatments doctors recommend are creams and lotions, cellulite diet and supplements, light devices such as lasers, and high-tech massages techniques. These treatments will provide varying degrees of improvement in the appearance of cellulite.

These treatments come with varying degrees of commitment. Changing the diet is a long term commitment to a lifestyle change. Creams and lotions require regular and repeated applications. The use of mechanical devices as in Endermologie or the use of light devices such as laser offer more lasting results but can be expensive.

One of the treatments that doctors can't seem to agree on is Mesotherapy. While many physicians are using this technique to treat cellulite, others express concern about it. Mesotherapy is among the most controversial of cellulite treatments. Developed in France in the 1950s, it combines a mixture of off-label FDA approved medicines to make an injectible solution. Patients often experience mixed results as well.

The types of medicines used in this cocktail can vary. The injections are given rapidly over the course of 30 to 60 minutes. Some doctors and surgeons question the effectiveness of the ingredients of the cocktail. There is also questions as to how well the body is able to get rid of the toxins that mesotherapy releases - do these toxins just get stuck in the liver, or is the body able to process them?

These facts about cellulite are generally agreed upon by most physicians but you should always contact your own doctor before undergoing any treatments. Beware of doctors that seem to be just pushing products and treatments. If you're going to spend the money on cellulite treatments, make sure they are done by someone you trust! - 17274

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