Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Get Great Abs Fast With A Laser Targeted Exercise Program

By Jose Loni

There is a proven method of training that will give you great abs fast. This general concept has the precision of a laser and will carve out the abs on your body. You don't train the abs directly, you train the whole body to burn fat and give you those rock hard abs.

Whole body exercises allow your body to burn fat effectively. Increasing your body's metabolism will make your abs visible and more defined. This type of training will kick start your body's fat burners and burn larger amounts of calories.

The ads showing ab machines and ab exercises, all claim great results when you directly train the abs. Spot reduction does not work and the advertisers are misleading the consumers. The ab exercises will get your abs stronger, however it won't make them more visible.

Scheduling a program that works is the best way to start. Plan a program of exercise 5 times per week. Then make sure the exercises focus on multi-joints and many muscle groups per movement. Increase your exercise intensity at each session to really force the body parts to burn large amounts of calories.

Here's a simple exercise plan, start with resistance training exercises like squats, pull-ups, lunges, split squats, and push-ups. Then do these exercises for a 20 second duration at a high intensity, after each exercise, proceed to the next exercise and only briefly rest when you complete the 5th exercise. Do this circuit of exercises 5-6 times per exercise session.

The number of training sessions throughout the week have a cumulative effect on the amount of calories that the body consumes. The more often you exercise, the more calories the body will burn and the more the body will need to work repairing and replenishing the muscles to prepare them for the next bout of physical activity. This results in the body burning the fat to provide more energy to the increase metabolism.

The high intensity workouts force the body to expend more energy and require the body to burn more fat to provide the necessary fuel to the muscles. The body becomes more proficient at converting the excess fat to fuel the physical activity as well as the overall all increased metabolism.

Getting great abs can be done with overall resistance training that will be so effective, that it will be like a laser targeted your abs and sculpted it with fine precision. You'll have great abs in such little time! - 17274

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