Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tell Me What Are Bioflavonoids and What Can They Do For Me?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you are looking for a bruising treatment that really works or you are searching for a method that lets you work on healing bruises in general, you'll find that bioflavonoids are mentioned again and again. It seems like everyone is talking about them, but what do you need to know about them? It's always a good idea to learn more about the supplements that are you curious about, and there is a lot of interesting information relating to bioflavonoids themselves as well as how they can provide you with a great bruise treatment.

Bioflavonoids are found in plants, where they guide the plant to do things like create pigmentation and protect the plant from microbes or other forms of illness and harm. They are found in almost all plants, though they will vary in amount and strength depending on what plants that you might be looking at. There is very strong research evidence that points to them as being extremely useful when it comes to helping cause our bodies tjo react appropriately against a host of things that include viruses, cancer-causing agents and allergens. They are also known to act in an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-cancer manner.

There have been more than 4000 bioflavonoids that have been cataloged, and virtually all of them can be useful to your body. Earlier they were known collectively as Vitamin P, but as we discover more about them, we are learning that there are several specific groups that all have their own strengths.

Proanthocyanidins, which are abbreviated to PCO, are very potent and can be found in things like grape seeds or the bark of the maritime pine. Similarly, quercetins are the most active of the bioflavonoids and often make up a very powerful part of the other bioflavonoids. Citrus bioflavonoids are the ones that we most commonly come in contact with, and they are the ones that are often used to treat people who bruise easily; they may also be used for things like hemorrhoids, varicose veins and capillary permeability.

What part do bioflavonoids play in our ability to work on healing bruises and why are they such an effective bruise treatment? In the first place, taking them and making sure that you are getting enough of them is a good way to heal your body when there has been any kind of trauma at all to it, and that is essentially what a bruise is, whether you remember getting it or not. A bruise is essentially a capillary under the skin getting broken and seeping blood to the surrounding tissue, and taking bioflavonoids can help you heal up the damage much more quickly. - 17274

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