Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Always Feeling Tired? Give These Natural Energy Boosters a Try

By Travis Van Slooten

It seems as if everyone nowadays thinks they need a sugary energy drink to get them through the day, but there are many better solutions with natural energy boosters. Most people don't get as much sleep as they should, don't eat properly and are stressed out quite a bit. These things all lead to fatigue. Your body is just telling you that it needs some help to keep going. Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to help avoid the mid-morning slump that don't involve caffeine.

The biggest thing you want to avoid is taking in a lot of sugar as that can give you a quick boost, but will ultimately cause you to crash and become even more tired than you were before. And don't be fooled by products that contain things like guarana, they are just caffeine in disguise. Some products contain chemicals like niacin which may give you the sensation of being energized, but are really just opening your capillaries and causing you to get a rush. While it may last longer and not have a severe crash like sugar, it's not substitute for some of the natural energy boosters out there.

The first and most simple thing you can do to wake yourself up is to move. Just some light stretching or even a walk to the bathroom and back will be enough to increase your heart rate and respiration. The increased flow of oxygen throughout your body will give you a quick, and completely natural, energy boost.

With some individuals, that constant sluggish feeling may actually stem from a deficiency in their diet. In this case, the best remedy for this is to take up a health supplement like acai berry. Acai is a good source of protein, which, together with omega fatty acids, serves as fuel to the body to keep it invigorated for a long time. What's important about omega fatty acids is that the body alone cannot produce them and they can only be had through food intake. Acai also contains essential vitamins and minerals, plus a high level of antioxidants. If you feel your diet may be the cause of your lack of energy, acai supplements may be just what you need.

Aside from the above tips, getting a good night's rest is also essential to maintaining your energy level. The body does need to recharge after hours of functioning and if it doesn't get that, it's but natural that it will not be in top condition the following day. You should also make sure that you get the right amount of water intake daily. Dehydration is a common cause for fatigue and lethargy and what's interesting is that many fail to realize they are actually dehydrated. Try all these natural energy boosters and you'll find you won't be needing those quick fixes after all. - 17274

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