Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Are High Protein Diets Effective For Getting Toned Arms?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Picking the right diet for getting toned arms can be almost impossible. There is simply too much marketing hype out there for the average woman to make an informed decision.

I have been in this predicament many times before.

And to further complicate matters, even the top experts usually have a hard time choosing the best diet for fat loss. If they can't choose, how do you choose?

The good news is that I've already gone through all the headaches for you. I know what works and what doesn't.

So without further delay, here are 4 key things to consider about high protein diets:

1. Simplicity: This may be the biggest benefit of low carbohydrate diets: all you have to do is cut out carbs. And simplicity increases levels of adherence.

2. Lightening fast weight changes: Of all the diets out there, high protein diets produce the fastest weight loss. However, the majority of weight loss comes from water. So don't get too excited

3. Loss of hunger: Once you dip into ketosis (a couple days after total carb restriction), your appetite will almost vanish. No joke! I used to have a very hard time eating enough calories when in ketosis.

4. Lowest insulin levels: Insulin is the arm fat loss gatekeeper. And with no carbs in your diet, insulin will be as low as possible. Low levels of insulin allow you to get rid of flabby arms very quickly.

So should you run to your local grocery store and buy those huge value packs of meat? Absolutely not. There are also many negatives to high protein diets, that in my opinion, outweigh the positives. Unfortunately, there is not enough space in a single article to cover all the pros and cons. So stay posted. And make sure you do a lot of objective research before doing anything extreme like a low carbohydrate diet. Only then will you be able to get rid of flabby arms once and for all! - 17274

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