Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, July 6, 2009

Preventing Hair Loss With The Right Nutrition

By Andrew W John

If you are losing your hair right now, don't panic. The most probable reason for that, especially if you're a male, is overabundance of dihydrotestosterone in the skin of your head. This chemical compound is created from testosterone - once this male hormone reaches the follicles, it attaches itself to it and changes into DHT. The bad thing is that DHT is hardly beneficial and is largely responsible for your hair loss. It tightens the muscles in your scalp, increasing the pression on the follicles and limits the blood circulation there, preventing hair from being nourished properly.

Women are generally safe from DHT-related problems, as their levels of testosterone are much lower. However, before you start considering sex change an option, you may as well try something much less extreme - a hair care system aimed at reducing the damage done by DHT. The system is based on nutrients and vitamins and is 100% safe, so you don't risk anything, right?

Nutrients and Their Effectiveness Against Hair Loss

The most important nutrient for your hair is undoubtedly zinc. It can be found on various types of food, including wheat germ, egg yolks, or red meat, but still a lot of people do not intake enough zinc to keep their hair safe. The main role of zinc is relaxing muscles and make them less prone to stress. This helps the organism remain safe from DHT-induced effects (tightened muscles on your head). Just remember to avoid overdosing zinc - a daily intake of more than 12 mg of zinc ends in reduced iron absorption and increased risk of anemia.

Biotin is another nutrient which is necessary to stop the progress of balding and revert the damages done by DHT. Biotin, a member of a large B complex group of vitamins, supports proper nourishing of hair follicles and increase hair repair rate. It can be found in abundance in such foods as kidney, liver, milk or cooked eggs. Unlike zinc, it can't be overdosed. However, remember that most foods which contains biotin are incredibly rich in fat, so if you decide to eat them with no restraints, you may cure balding, but at the price of fifty extra pounds!

Another important nutrient which can help you heal your hair is proteins. They are the hair construction material, thus it is necessary to keep them strong and thick, making them less prone to damages done by DHT. Proteins are probably the most commonly used nutrient to prevent thinning of hair. On the downside, they are not dream solution to all your problems: proteins can't help you regrow your hair on bald patches.

Carotene, carotenoid and retinol - all those names really mean the same chemical compound: Vitamin A. While most people associate carotene to improving our vision, this vitamin is also a great way to reduce the amount of DHT. Carotene takes control over sebum production, keeping it on the optimum level - enough to moisturize the strands, but not enough to block the skin pores. With the normalized sebum production, DHT has much less chances to cause any lasting damages. The vitamin can be supplied through a well-planned diet, if only it's abundant with yellow and orange vegetables and fish oil. Just make sure that you don't stray too far from the recommended daily intake (2500 IU), carotene may get toxic if it's overabundant in the body.

We mustn't forget about another important vitamin: Vitamin E. It maintains proper blood circulation in scalp, stopping all DHT attempts to reduce the amount of nutrients arriving to the follicles. There's no problem with taking enough Vitamin E, as it can be easily found in a number of foods, most notably leafy greens and soybeans, as well as in many vegetable oils. The real catch is that Vitamin E can be easily overdosed, increasing the pressure in the cardiovascular system.

Theoretically, a good diet should be enough to keep you from balding. Unfortunately, following such diet might be very difficult, especially that many of its ingredients may get dangerous if overdosed. That's why another solution is much more logical: using a nutritional supplement that would be specially devised to prevent balding. One of the best supplements in that category is a supplement part of the ProFollica system. The leading producer of hair-loss prevention products has also introduced the nutritional supplement to make sure that you will receive all necessary nutrients at the right amounts. Take a look and check out the details - it might be just something you are looking for. - 17274

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