Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Understanding Nitric Oxide: Its Role and Functions

By Tim Dawson

Nitric Oxide or better known as nitrogen monoxide (NO) is one of those chemical compounds that are definitely a significant messenger molecules involved in any mammalian physiological processes. Some studies claim that NO is beneficial in controlling blood circulation and in proper regulation of the brain, lungs, kidneys, liver and other vital organs.

Our immune system also needs nitric oxide for the process of killer T-cells. These T-cells kill parasites and other viral infections.

Why Nitric Oxide in Bodybuilding

Nitric Oxide boosters is truly a rich chemical compound consisting of B-sitosterol, ursolic, ghycosides, plant sterols, anthrquinoidenes, potassium, zinc, calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and iron. If ingested in proper dosage, the NO becomes an enhancer, as what others call it "the vasolidator," to blood circulation. In a matter of few minutes or hours, this condition results to muscular development. You'll be more excited to lift weights, to push up and do crushes with less exhaustion.

Taking NO boosters is vital. Using it improves your overall fitness conditioning. It can even triple the amount the sets and reps you normally do inside the gym.

There's no doubt, NO boosters transforms you into a healthier, fitter and stronger person. If you look good on the outside, your self-confidence improves tremendously. You will no longer be in hesitation as you walk around the beach shirtless.

Say Goodbye to Yesterday, Say Hello to NO

NO boosters can also be perilous to your overall health if not in proper dosage. NO boosters contain amino acid arginine-alpha-keto-glutarate that can crush good results and end up in diarrhea, nausea and fatigue.

For this, the most important aspect one should take note about Nitric Oxide supplements is its benefits and side effects you can experience the first week you ingest small dosages. Don't be too excited to experiment when you are not so sure about it. Experiencing great benefits with lesser side effects is fairly a good sign and you're moving around the right track.

However, it's still and always important see your doctor for further explanation of NO boosters to your overall transformation. I'm sure you don't want to end up in a hospital just because of overdose or some deadly complications.

In all cases, it's better to be safe than to be sorry, folks! - 17274

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