Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Value of Omega Fatty Acids

By Christian Goodman

Let me start by telling you about lysi. In Iceland where I grew up, this is what I had to drink. It is the fat from the liver of fish. Fortunately, today it is not necessary to drink this to get the benefit.

I can't say as I understood just how what we ingest benefits our bodies. But once I grew up, I decided to find out. I was especially curious about the lysi.

Omega Fatty Acids are essential but our bodies cannot produce them. For that reason, we have to supply our bodies with this through other means such as food.

Fish can supply the omega fatty acids (tuna, herring, salmon). Two servings per week though is the suggested limit as they also contain mercury.

Other foods containing the omega fatty acids are soybeans, walnuts and flaxseed. Some things like cereals, orange juice and baby food are even manufactured with the fatty acids now.

Food is a great way to add omega fatty acids to your body. You might want to consult with your nutritionist to verify just how much is enough for you.

If your diet isn't providing you with a sufficient amount of fatty acids, supplements can be taken. You will want to research the brand of course as they are not regulated.

Why is all of this really that important? Research proves that developing babies require this.

Death, heart attacks and strokes can be reduced due to the omega fatty acids. They can also slow the progression of atherosclerosis, lower triglycerides, and can lower blood pressure.

Other health problems that can be positively affected by omega fatty acids are depression, rheumatoid artiritis and possibly even certain cancers.

While I always encourage a well balanced diet, if weight loss is your goal, I strongly recommend my Weight Loss Breeze Program.

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