Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Multi Vitamin-Take It Or Bin It?

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

It would be nice if our diets were always 100% nutritionally balanced and full of all the vitamins and minerals that we need in order to be healthy wouldn't it? But most of the time they're not. Most people eat out at least three nights a week, and don't eat very well the rest of the time. It results in lacking of nutrients that they need from the food that they eat everyday.

In order to stay healthy and to get the vitamins and minerals that are missing from your daily diet, multi vitaminis is the ideal choice, but doctors and medical experts are holding on their opinions.

Are those synthetic vitamins and minerals that were created in a lab specifically for use in a multi vitamin tablet on the market today going to be effective and help you get healthier? Lots of doctors and medical experts think that just totally a waste of time.

Does synthetic vitamins and minerals help the body as much as the natural vitamins and minerals found in food would? Those doctors are doubting it very much.

There is some evidence shows that synthetic multi vitamins you can take to help make up for the times when you can't eat a balanced meal will help you give your body all the tools that it needs to stay healthy.

But a scientist at Northwestern University says that even though multi vitamins might be somewhat effective at providing some nutrients a synthetically produced multi vitamin can't come close to the amount of vitamins and nutrients that are absorbed by the body through food.

The theory goes that because of the way that your body interacts with food it's much better and more effective to get vitamins and minerals from food than through a multi vitamin.

And most doctors would agree that multi vitamins aren't going to completely replace the need for food but they argue that multi vitamins are a good back up source of vitamins and minerals for people that don't always eat a balanced diet or don't always get the kind of nutrition that they should through food.

But that theory doesn't take into account arguments that proponents of multi vitamin pills make pointing out that with soil depletion, pollution, and the use of pesticides and chemicals that the food people eat today isn't all that healthy and most of the vitamins and minerals have been depleted before a person even eats the food.

The jury is still out on whether or not multi vitamins are as effective as eating food to get vitamins and minerals but there is no question that in certain circumstances and for certain people that are too busy to eat a healthy diet, or people that can't eat certain foods because of allergies, or people that don't like to eat certain foods, or people that are dieting taking a multi vitamin everyday can be a good way for them to get the vitamins and minerals that they need in order to thrive and be strong and healthy. - 17274

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